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Name: Beau Jesse Hutton

Alias: Jesse James {Stage name}

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Area of Origin: Indian Paintbrush, Colorado {Fictional Town near Marshal Pass}

Occupation: Country Western Singer, Hunter, Trapper, Tracker




Height: 6'1"

Weight: 194 lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Distinguishing Features/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: His right shoulder holds five angry looking scars from where he'd had a run in with a grizzly, another deep scar about six inches long across his abdomen from tangling with a badger, a good gash along his left thigh from a rather pissed off cougar...and many many other little scars.




Weapons: He has various rifles, shotguns, pistols, netting, traps, a wench, pretty much anything he needs to keep up with his winter time occupation.

Other: His ol' beat up pick-up




Brief History: Beau's parents were both country singers, but they were also down to earth...hard workin', honest folks who taught him those values. Beau has been writin' and performin' his own music since he was six years of age, granted...they've gotten much better over the years. Born and raised in Farmington, Virginia...Beau's father was a trapper and hunter too, which was a trade that he'd been in since he was young, tryin' to help his folks get by so of course he passed on the family trade to his one and only son.


After his father's death {lung cancer}, Beau bid his mother goodbye and moved on to Colorado. He stayed out of the lime light for a couple of years before meeting his wife. She talked him into goin' back into show business. Of course, bein' blinded by love...he did whatever she asked of him, that was until he found her cheatin' on him with his manager. Beau burned his contract the day the divorce was finalized.


Now, he only performs during the summer months...always returnin' back home at the first snow fall to hone in on the natural skills his father had instilled in him.

© 1999 - Currently Biography Information By MtnRose (Not Including Character Images)

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